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Jan. 13, 2023

S1E2 - Shabbat

S1E2 - Shabbat

Shabbat is a day of rest. Christians celebrate a day of rest on Sunday, Islam celebrates on Friday and the Jewish celebrate on Saturday, officially at sunset on Friday through sunset on Saturday.

We get to see Mary enjoy her new freedom since she found Jesus. She doesn't understand how she is healed but she knows Jesus healed her and she knows his time has not yet come to be revealed to man. Nicodemus seems puzzled by her redemption as well, possibly contemplating everything he has known. Simon is struggling with tax debt and doing things that aren't right and his brother is the only one who knows his secret. Matthew is very alone, except for a new dog who adopted him and he didn't feel comfortable entering the home of his family. We are also introduced to the first 2 chosen disciples - Thaddeus and James.